John XII. (Constantinople)

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John XII. (Greek Πατριάρχης Ιωάννης ΙΒ ; * 13th century in Sozopol ; † after 1303) was patriarch of Constantinople from 1294 to 1303.


He was born as Kosmas in Sozopol . His year of birth is unknown. John led an ascetic life.

In 1294 he was elected Patriarch of Constantinople at the instigation of Emperor Andronikos II . During his tenure, he resolutely opposed simony (purchase of offices) in the church. He also opposed the marriage of Simonida , the five-year-old daughter of Andronikos, to Stefan Uroš II Milutin , King of Serbia.

In 1303 he had to give up his office. He was succeeded by the popular Athanasios I.

John went back to Sozopol. In 1308 he was sent by the Bulgarian tsar as a messenger to Andronikos in Constantinople for peace negotiations.

The year John's death is unknown.


  • Vitalien Laurent: La chronologie des patriarches de Constantinople de la première moitié du XIVe siècle (1294-1350). In: Revue des études byzantines. 7, 1949, p. 145-155.
predecessor Office successor
Athanasios I. Patriarch of Constantinople
Athanasios I.