Joy of Missing Out

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Joy of Missing Out (dt. Pleasure miss, Acronym JOMO) describes a form of joy, etc. occurs due to lost connection to digital technologies, such as computers, smartphones, tablets. This theory represents the opposite position to "FOMO" ( English Fear of missing out ), which deals with the fear of missing out on events relevant to the user on any modern platform. JOMO can be caused to different degrees by the respective context.

Context dependency

Often people want to turn away from their modern technologies, but this is mostly unsuccessful. As a result, there are 4 areas that determine JOMO:

  1. Forced and long-term disconnection - for example, third world countries with poorly developed connection networks
  2. Forced and short-term disconnection - for example, power failure or no WiFi connection available
  3. Voluntary and Long Term Disconnection - Lifestyle Change
  4. Voluntary and short-term disconnection - vacation, weekend, dinner with friends

The best way to reach JOMO is to use the 4th area, i.e. your own decision to disengage from the constant connectivity. For example, by reflecting on the use of digital devices, excessive use can be identified and counteracted. Self-control should also play a role in resisting temptations such as pointless “scrolling” through apps.

Due to the partial disconnection, the joy of the absence of digital social networks can be experienced.


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