Juan Ruiz (poet)

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Juan Ruiz (called Archpriest of Hita ; * around 1283 in Alcalá de Henares ; † around 1350) was a Spanish poet in the first half of the 14th century.


As Arcipreste employed in the town of Hita near Guadalajara , he was arrested between 1337 and 1350 on the orders of the Archbishop of Toledo Gil de Albornoz .

It was probably during this imprisonment that he wrote his Libro de buen amor (also called Libro de los cantares ), a work consisting of 7173 verses, which, beginning with a prayer to God, contains a colorful series of stories, mostly personal experiences, including love affairs for all Art, mixed with fictional stories and allegories, apologies, fables and lyrical trinkets.

The actually narrative parts of the work are written in 14-syllable four-part alexandrine stanzas; the rest, however, is written in 16 different meters, so that the work is considered a sample book of old Spanish rhythm.

The Libro de buen amor was published for the first time by Sánchez in the Colección de poesías castellanas anteriores al siglo XV .


  • From the book of good love: Old Spanish poems about love . Translated from Spanish and introduced by Wenzel Goldbaum . With 25 illustrations by Nikolaus Moras. Munich: Goldmann 1960

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