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Jumma is the collective name of the eleven tribes of the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh . The two largest tribes are the Chakma and the Marma , which together number 350,000 members. The Chakma and Marma are Buddhists . Other tribes are Christians , Hindus or practice traditional religions. Since the Chittagong Hill Tracts are very steep and rugged, the Jumma have to operate a migratory economy in order to make the best possible use of the land. After harvest, they move on, allowing the soil to recover. The local name for this type of agriculture is Jhum , which is why these tribes are called Jumma. The tribe of the Mru live apart from the other tribes on the mountain heights in houses on high stilts.


The state of Bangladesh more or less completely ignores the Jumma. He has long viewed the Chittagong Hill Tracts as unused land on which to settle poor Bengali families. They are also exposed to attacks by members of the military . Since Bangladesh gained independence in 1971, members of the Jumma have been murdered, tortured, raped and their settlements burned down in a genocidal campaign. So the Jumma have become a minority over the past 40 years.

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