Body integrity

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The undisturbed functioning of a biological organism is referred to as body integrity (from Latin integrare: heal, make intact, complete) or physical integrity . The exact requirements for maintaining body integrity can change greatly with changing environmental conditions. Important mechanisms for achieving this goal are the integument as a demarcation from the environment , the defense against parasites by the immune system , behaviors such as flight or defense against predators, the regeneration of damaged body parts and the maintenance of biochemical homeostasis .

Body integrity can sometimes be given up in a targeted manner. The autotomy , i.e. the shedding of body parts, serves to distract predators from the rest of an animal's body.

Human body integrity

Legally, body integrity is protected by the right to physical integrity .

In the case of the Body Integrity Identity Disorder , a person's body perception is so disturbed that an amputation of body parts is seen as a way to a truly integral state of the body.
