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KKH is an abbreviation for:

  • Karakoram Highway , the high mountain road between Pakistan and China
  • Cardinal König Haus , an educational center in Vienna, Austria
  • Catholic Hospital Erfurt
  • Commercial health insurance - KKH , a German health insurance, from April 2009 to the end of 2012 "KKH-Allianz", formerly "Commercial health insurance Halle (Saale) Ersatzkasse VVaG"
  • Hamm nuclear power plant , was to be built on the site of the Westfalen power plant, right next to the now decommissioned THTR-300 nuclear power plant in Hamm, North Rhine-Westphalia, but the plans were never implemented
  • Kirms-Krackow-Haus , in Weimar in Thuringia, it houses a museum on bourgeois living culture in the 18th and 19th centuries
  • Kreiskrankenhaus , a hospital run by a district, see hospital