Kaku (Ur)

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Kaku was in the late 24th century BC. King of the Mesopotamian city ​​of Ur . According to the inscriptions of Rimuš , he led a rebellion against the kingdom of Akkade . In the subsequent punitive action, he was caught in Ur.


  • Gadd, in CAH I.2, 113, 435, 459.
  • Frayne, Sargonic and Gutian Periods , Toronto 1993, chap. 1.2.3 f.
  • Kupper / Sollberger, Inscriptions Royales Sumeriens et Akkadiens , Paris 1971, IIA2b / c.
predecessor Office successor
Ba-lu-lu ? King of Ur
at the end of the 24th century BC Chr.
E-lili ?