Calcareous infarction (eye)

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Classification according to ICD-10
H11.1 Conjunctival degeneration and storage
H11.9 Affection of the conjunctiva, unspecified
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

A Kalkinfarkt is a disease of the conjunctiva of the eye ( conjunctiva ). The main symptom is a foreign body sensation in the eye.

The calcified infarction arises as a whitish dot on the tarsal ( lidside ) conjunctiva due to a calcifying inflammation of goblet cells , meibomian ducts or lacrimal glands . The most common cause is insufficient discharge of secretions.

The calcified infarction can be removed with a stab incision under drip anesthesia .


  • Gerhard K. Lang. Ophthalmology, Understanding - Learning - Applying. 3rd, completely revised edition; Thieme, Stuttgart 2004; ISBN 3-13-102833-5