Kamerlingh Onnes Prize

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The Kamerling Onnes Prize is a prize for experiments on superconductivity that has been awarded every three years since 2000 by the International Conference on the Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S) at its conference. It is named after the discoverer of superconductivity Heike Kamerlingh Onnes .

The award is endowed with $ 7,500 and is sponsored by Elsevier, editor of Physica C, a magazine that deals with superconductivity.

It should not be confused with the Kamerlingh Onnes Prize of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Koude (KNVvK) for low-temperature physics and technology, which has been awarded every four years since 1950 and is associated with a gold medal.

Award winners

Each with the official laudation:

  • 2000 Zhi-Xun Shen for contributions to the elucidation of the electronic structure of high-temperature superconductors and strongly correlated electronic materials by means of angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy .
  • 2003 George Crabtree and Eli Zeldov for groundbreaking pioneering experiments which resulted in the phase diagram of eddies in high temperature superconductors under various conditions of disorder and anisotropy .
  • 2006 Nai Phuan Ong , Hidenori Takagi and Shin-ichi Uchida for pioneering pioneering work on transport properties that shed light on the unconventional nature of the metallic state in high-temperature copper superconductors .
  • 2009 JC Séamus Davis for pushing the boundaries of Spectroscopic Imaging STM at low temperatures and using them for pioneering work on high-temperature copper superconductors , Aharon Kapitulnik for pioneering work on time-reversal effects in unconventional superconductors with magneto-optics , to John M. Tranquada for Pioneering work with neutron scattering which led to the discovery of stripe phases in copper high-temperature superconductors .
  • 2012 Herbert A. Mook for important experiments with neutron spectroscopy and diffraction on superconductors over several decades, especially superconductors with magnetic tendencies , Teunis M. Klapwijk for important experiments on nanostructures made of superconductors and ferromagnets and superconductors and normal metals , and Øystein H. Fischer for his leading role in magnetic superconductors and pioneering investigations with scanning tunneling microscopes (STM) in high-temperature copper superconductors .
  • 2015 Gilbert Lonzarich for visionary experiments on the formation of superconductivity in strongly renormalized quasiparticles on the border with magnetic order .
  • 2018 Yuji Matsuda and Louis Taillefer for the elucidation of superconductivity in unconventional superconductors .

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