Kassim Al-Khalil

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Kassim al-Khalil

Kassim "Abdul Karim" al-Khalil (* 1884 in Lebanon ; † May 6, 1916 there ) was a political activist.


Kassim al-Khalil was the son of Mahmoud al-Khalil and Fedda Khazem, who was also politically active. He attended Sheikh Ahmad Abbas al-Azhari high school in Beirut and participated in political student uprisings. In 1908 the Arab revolution against the Ottoman Empire began and Abdul Karim was in the front ranks of the protests. He participated in the uprisings for the liberation of the Arab countries, and especially Lebanon, from Ottoman occupation.

Martyrs Square

On May 6, 1916, during a demonstration, he and other demonstrators, u. a. Father Joseph Hayek, Abdelwahab al-Inglizi, Joseph Bshara Hani, Mohammad Mahmassani, Mahmoud Mahmassani, Omar Hamad, Philip el-Khazen, Farid el-Khazen and Sheikh Ahmad Tabbara arrested and publicly executed by Ottoman soldiers on behalf of General Ahmet Cemal Pasha .


  • Since March 6, 1960, a memorial has stood in honor of him and the others on Cannon Square, also called Martyrs Square (Sahet el Shouhada) in Beirut , near the Mohammed al-Amin Mosque .
  • Among other things, a street in Chiyah, Lebanon and a school called El Shahid Abdul Karim El Khalil School in Ghobairy in Lebanon have been named after him.
  • May 6th is an official holiday and is celebrated annually in memory of the martyrs.


  • Ashna min ajel al Hurye - We lived for freedom

See also