Young Catholic group of South Tyrol

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The Katholische Jungschar Südtirols (KJS) is a children's organization in South Tyrol and has existed since 1953. In almost every parish there are groups of youngsters and altar boys . There are a total of over 10,000 youngsters and altar boys in South Tyrol. They are looked after by around 1,500 volunteer group leaders. The Catholic youth group of South Tyrol is part of the Catholic youth group Austria .

The diocesan manual is the state assembly and consists of the three chairmen, the youth chaplain and representatives of the state's 20 deaneries . The diocesan instructions set up working groups and project groups in which young crowd-specific topics are worked out. Every two years the Diocesan Leadership Circle (DFK) takes place, in which all group leaders are allowed to participate. The chairpersons are elected there, but more general topics are also discussed, such as: B. the financial position. The local groups include all acolytes and youth groups in a parish. The group leaders choose a local representative from among their number to represent the local group.


In most districts, the cooperation between organizations and the youth groups is well received. Probably the largest organization is the youth service, which invests a large part of its work in helping the group leaders.

The cooperation between the youth group and the pastor differs from local group to local group, but it always takes place. Furthermore, the young crowd tries sometimes more, sometimes less to let the parents participate, but this does not always find harmony.

Young group prayer

Jesus Christ,
in the young crowd we are a community,
who want to live by your example
Together we can experience friendship and joy
It is easier for us to work together
Overcoming difficulties.
Help us that we stick together and
understand each other well.
We should not be indifferent
how others are doing.
We know that you are always with us.
We thank you for that.

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