Catholic faculty of Austria

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The Catholic Teachers Association of Austria is an organization for Catholic teachers in Austria . The seat is in Vienna .

Club history

The Catholic Teachers' Association for Austria was founded in 1893 , its task was to “maintain teaching and upbringing according to the principles of the Catholic Church, according to the demands of true love for the fatherland Austria and the proven results of academic pedagogy.” As a result of the annexation of Austria In 1938 to the German Reich, the Catholic Teachers 'Union for Austria was forcibly integrated into the National Socialist Teachers' Union (NSLB). On January 30, 1946, the re-establishment of the Austrian Catholic Teachers Association , which "follows on from the traditions of the Catholic Teachers Association for Austria ", is divided into various regional associations and still exists today. The organ of the association is the Austrian Pedagogical Control Center . The Catholic faculty of Austria is close to the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), which covers the bourgeois-conservative spectrum and is traditionally closely linked to church and business.


  • Dormann, Leo (1953). "The Catholic faculty in Austria is jubilant". In: Swiss School . Volume 40. Issue 11. pp. 382-385.
  • Scharfenberg, Günter (1970). Education policy in the field of tension between social forces. A study of the influence of social interests, socio-political objectives and political power relations on educational policy decisions, presented in the context of the creation of the School Organization Act of the Republic of Austria of July 25, 1962 . Inaugural dissertation. Free University of Berlin. P. 135 f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dormann, Leo (1953). "The Catholic faculty in Austria is jubilant". In: Swiss School . Volume 40. Issue 11. pp. 382-385.
  2. a b Scharfenberg, Günter (1970). Education policy in the field of tension between social forces. A study of the influence of social interests, socio-political objectives and political power relations on educational policy decisions, presented in the context of the creation of the School Organization Act of the Republic of Austria of July 25, 1962 . Inaugural dissertation. Free University of Berlin. P. 135f.
  3. Elste, Alfred & Koschat, Michael (1998) “The Representations of Interest”. In: Rumpler, Helmut (ed.). Carinthia. From the German border mark to the Austrian federal state . (Series of publications for political-historical studies of the Dr.-Wilfried-Haslauer-Bibliothek 6.) Vienna / Cologne / Weimar: Böhlau. P. 295.
  4. Bulant, Thomas (2007). Representing the interests of Viennese compulsory school teachers. The work of the Central Committee of Vienna State Teachers . (Contributions to the modern history of Austria 23.) Frankfurt am Main: Lang. P. 49.