Catholic school in Bavaria

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The Catholic School in Bavaria is an association of the seven Bavarian (arch) dioceses and thus a corporation under public law . In addition to the (arch) dioceses, its members are over 50 school bodies from secondary schools, grammar schools, technical colleges, vocational schools, technical academies, a business school, as well as elementary and middle schools or elementary schools.

The Schulwerk currently has 45 grammar schools, 67 secondary schools, 6 technical colleges, 1 business school, 25 specialist academies for social education, 10 vocational schools at 8 locations and 24 elementary and middle schools as member schools (178 in total).


The Katholisches Schulwerk was founded in 1982 by the Bavarian (arch) bishops and its structure was regulated in a first constitution. At the same time, an agreement was concluded with the Free State of Bavaria , which regulated in particular the possibility of church teaching staff. Among other things, the Katholisches Schulwerk in Bavaria took over the tasks of the Bavarian Ordensschulzentrale, which since the Second World War has jointly represented the affairs of the religious schools at the state level. Since January 1, 2019, a new statute regulates the tasks and structure of the Schulwerk.


The main tasks of the Catholic School in Bavaria are:

  • It advises the school administrators and sponsors of the member schools on legal, pedagogical and other issues.
  • It conducts advanced training for teachers and employees of the member schools.
  • It offers evaluation and school development measures for the member schools.
  • It is the employer for the church officials.
  • It guarantees the retirement pension of the church officials as well as the VbO teachers.
  • It provides a job exchange for teachers.
  • It represents the concerns of the Catholic schools towards the Free State of Bavaria and the public in all school, financial and legal questions.


  • 1982–1992 Richard Fackler
  • 1992–2018 Andreas Hatzung
  • since 2018 Peter Nothaft

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Agreement of March 7, 1983 / Basics p. 24 ff. (PDF) KSW, accessed on April 15, 2019 .
  2. Articles of Association of January 1, 2019 (PDF) KSW, January 1, 2019, accessed on April 15, 2019 .
  3. tasks cf. Art. 3 Articles of Association. (PDF) January 1, 2019, accessed April 15, 2019 .