Merchant in e-commerce

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The merchant e-commerce ( e-commerce ) is since 1 August 2018 approved a three-year apprenticeship under the Vocational Training Act (Vocational Training Act). The activity can focus on trade (wholesale and foreign trade, retail trade). However, it can also be used for other industries, such as tourism companies, service providers or manufacturers who sell their products online. The focus of this training is on managing and operating an online shop .

Structure of training

The training takes place at the company and vocational school . Vocational school lessons take place either part-time (2 school days per week) or in block lessons (alternation between 3-month training in the company and 3-month school block). The lessons can take place in so-called BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) classes. In this type of teaching, the lessons are almost exclusively conducted online. By digitizing the school accordingly with, for example, whiteboards, a stable internet connection and power connections for charging the laptop, the students can work in the cloud of their school and provide results there or stream them to the projector. The training period is three years. The subjects consist of subject-specific subjects such as economic and social processes (WSP), business processes in e-commerce (GPE), management and control (SUK) but also normal subjects such as religion and sport.

Training content

The merchant in e-commerce creates and maintains a company's online shops. Creates web analyzes , etc. a. it analyzes the buying behavior of customers and determines the interests of customers and which products are sold most frequently. He is familiar with the competition law , the copyright law , the policy etc. He farmed goods or services, selects payment systems for online traded goods and places offer fixed rules.

The following core qualifications are imparted in the three-year training:

  • Select and use online sales channel
  • Help shape the range of goods or services and manage them online
  • Support procurement
  • Design contract initiation in online sales
  • Process contracts from online sales
  • Design customer communication with the help of social media
  • Consider and apply GDPR
  • Develop and implement online marketing
  • Use commercial management and control


In the 3-year dual training, an exam is written for each learning area. In total there are 5 exams in the topic of e-commerce and 2 more in the topic of communication.

The examination is divided into final examination part 1 and final examination part 2. During the final exam part 1, in the middle of the second year of training, product range management and contract initiation are queried. 25% of the result is included in the overall grade. In the final examination part 2, towards the end of the training, economics and social studies (10% of the overall grade), customer communication in e-commerce (15% of the overall grade) and a technical discussion on a project-related process in e-commerce (20% of the overall grade) ) checked.


Internet trading has long waited for the apprenticeship, as pure online companies have not been allowed to train business people. With the new apprenticeship as a merchant in e-commerce, online shop operators can now also train merchants.


  • Hans Jecht / Svenja Hausener (eds.): Kaufmann / Kauffrau in E-Commerce: 1st year of training Westermann Verlag Braunschweig 2018, ISBN 978-3-427-01865-0
  • Hans Jecht / Svenja Hausener (eds.): Kaufmann / Kauffrau in E-Commerce: 2nd year of training Westermann Verlag Braunschweig 2019, ISBN 978-3-427-01869-8
  • Hans Jecht / Svenja Hausener (eds.): Kaufmann / Kauffrau in E-Commerce: 3rd year of training Westermann Verlag Braunschweig 2019, ISBN 978-3-427-01873-5
  • Bernd Schmitt: Businessman and businesswoman in e-commerce: The manual for training and work . 1st edition. Franzis-Verlag, Haar 2018, ISBN 978-3-645-60625-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. BIBB / New: Businessman and businesswoman in e-commerce. Retrieved March 8, 2018 .
  2. Merchant in e-commerce. Retrieved March 9, 2018 .
  3. Businessman / woman in e-commerce. Retrieved March 9, 2018 .