Germ feed

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Sprout mix fine for budgies

Sprouted food is used in the breeding of birds as food for young birds . It replaces the semi-ripe seeds found in nature and signals the beginning of the breeding phase in many birds. The consistency is very soft, which makes it easy for the young to digest. When germinating, the seeds develop valuable nutrients.

Almost all birds only breed in periods when the food supply is optimal for them. For seed-eaters, this is the maturity phase of the seed-bearing plants. Semi-ripe seeds are soft and easily digestible for young birds. In Central Europe this phase is spring, in other latitudes also the rainy season. The giving of germ feed acts on captured birds as a triggering signal for the beginning of the breeding season . The birds get into a breeding mood, intensify the search for a partner and fight for rank battles: almost all birds become temporarily more aggressive.

Germ fodder is biologically active and therefore always a danger to the birds' digestive system. Small amounts are also sufficient for stimulation. During the rearing of the young there must then be an oversupply and the germ feed must be of the best quality at all times, i.e. not more than 24 hours, less in hot and humid conditions.


  • O. Hungenberg: germ feed; in: AZ-Vogelinfo 58th year, issue 08/2011; P. 297
  • G. Jansen: Production of germ feed for bird nutrition; in: AZ-Vogelinfo 57th year, issue 05/2010; P. 205
  • R. Aulfes: germ feed; in: Prachtfinkenmagazin; Issue 01/2008
  • O. Hungenberg: germ feed; in: Der Vogelfreund issue 05/2006