Kerley line

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Kerley B-lines
The same picture marked with some of the Kerley lines

Kerley lines are delicate lines on an X-ray of the lungs . They indicate pathologically widened alveolar septa and lymphatic vessels in the lungs, most commonly caused by heart failure . Also, pneumonia , pulmonary fibrosis and diffuse metastasis of tumor cells in the lung ( lymphangitis carcinomatosis ) may lead to visible Kerley lines.

A distinction is made between fine, long Kerley A-lines in the upper lung sections and short, horizontal Kerley B-lines , which run in the lower lung sections near the thoracic wall in the so-called costophrenic angle (mainly on the right). Kerley C-lines are cobweb-like lines that span the entire lungs.

The lines were described by Peter Kerley .
