Kigeri IV.

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King Kigeri IV of Rwanda (actually Rwabugiri ) ruled the Kingdom of Rwanda from 1853 to 1895.

He came from the Tutsi ethnic group . He formed an army armed with rifles and forbade most foreigners to enter his kingdom.


Rwabugiri's rule was a harsh regime for the previously semi-autonomous Tutsi and Hutu , their land was confiscated and their political power restricted. Rwabugiri introduced a feudal system according to which the Uburetwa in particular had access to land in return for work. The Hutu were particularly affected by this, while the Tutsi were exempt from this system.

He also changed social structures and introduced an ethnic difference between the Tutsi and Hutu that was based on historical social positions.

The polarization and politicization of the ethnic group in Rwanda began even before European colonization .

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