Kiila (artist group)

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Kiila (Eng. Wedge ) was a Finnish artist and writer group. It was founded in 1936 as part of the opposition to fascism and operated illegally during World War II. After that, the group was still active into the 1970s.

Early members of the group included Elmer Diktonius , Sven Grönvall , Pentti Haanpää , Viljo Kajava , Hagar Olsson , Jarno Pennanen , Maija Savutie , Elvi Sinervo , Tapio Tapiovaara , Arvo Turtiainen , Katri Vala, and Hella Wuolijoki . Some of them were previously active in the Tulenkantajat group. After 1945 z. B. Timo Aalto , Jorma Hautala , Niilo Hyttinen , Rauni Liukko , Marja-Leena Mikkola , Raoul Palmgren , Oscar Parland , Lassi Sinkkonen , Anja Vammelvuo and Eva Wichman .

To Kiila included both in Finnish and Finland-Swedish authors and artists. The profile of the group was shaped by friendship with the Soviet Union and other socialist countries, it also emerged through translations of works by socialist authors.
