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Tulenkantajat ( Finnish , dt. Torchbearers ) was a literary group founded in Finland in 1924/25 , "which dedicated itself to a literary criticism permeated by modernism".

The name may have originated from the collection of novels of the same name, which was published in 1924 by the writers Elmer Diktonius , Hagar Olsson and Edith Södergran . From 1928 onwards, the group published its own literature, also under the title Tulenkantajat, under the editorship of Erkki Vala . The central personality was the poet and essayist Olavi Paavolainen , born in 1903 , who also took over as editor-in-chief of the magazine in 1930; Lauri Viljanen , Uuno Kailas , Elina Vaara and Arvi Kivimaa were other spokesmen for the group . The group saw itself as avant-garde towards modern times and their technical and social innovations, processing the artistic currents of the time such as Dadaism or Futurism in their publications. She also made a name for herself by translating works of world literature into Finnish.

The internal social conflicts between the extreme left and right-wing opponents, who were inclined to fascism, in Finland around 1930, led to strong tensions in the politically oriented artists' association and finally to its dissolution in 1939. Some authors such as Katri Vala and Pentti Haanpää continued their political and literary work after the breakup of Tulenkantajat in the Kiila group .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Anssi Halmesvirta in: Guest in the Third Reich , introductory essay by the editor, p. 10
  2. authorscalendar.info: Biographical article on Paavolainen (English)
  3. Horst Bien : Tulenkantajat . In: Herbert Greiner-Mai (ed.): Small dictionary of world literature . VEB Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig 1983. p. 287.