Children's cure

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Former children's health clinic St. Johann, Niendorf, Baltic Sea

A children's cure is a measure that applies to the health, relaxation and therapy of children and adolescents. Children's cures are usually carried out in special climatic locations (lake, mountains) in special prevention and rehabilitation facilities for children and adolescents.

A cure is considered to be indicated if the measures on site are no longer sufficient to improve an illness or to prevent its deterioration. This can be the case with respiratory diseases, for example, but psychosocial factors can also play a role.


The preventive care and rehabilitation facilities must be recognized by the health insurance companies in accordance with SGB ​​V (§ 107 and § 111). The family doctor certifies that the child needs a cure or also makes the application. If approved, the costs will be covered by the health insurance companies or social security providers.

In addition, the costs of cure measures for children can be covered by the social welfare office of the municipality in accordance with § 37 BSHG (sickness assistance) or by the youth welfare office in accordance with § 16 SGB ​​VIII (promotion of upbringing in the family), provided that the dependent cannot contribute to the costs.

During the GDR era, child cures for asthma or neurodermatitis were carried out in Veli Losinj and Cyprus .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Meeting point for former spa children from Veli Losinj and Cyprus. ( online )