Austrian address register

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The address register shows all the addresses officially assigned by the municipalities throughout Austria . This makes it the reference for Austria's addresses in terms of addressability, spelling, allocation of ordinal numbers and spatial allocation. This central address database is part of the border cadastre (§ 9a VermG ) and is managed and updated by the municipalities and cities with the characteristics listed in the Surveying Act via a central reporting line. The Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying issues the addresses in various forms.


In addition to a lot of other information, each address has a unique key (address code) and an exact spatial coordination (geocoding).

The address code is a non-speaking 7-digit unique key for all addresses. The sequence of numbers does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the allocation system. If there are buildings at an address, a 3-digit subcode is assigned for each. The address code and subcode together make up the address number.

The georeferencing of the addresses is based on the digital cadastral  map (DKM). The database of the geocoded address is available nationwide for Austria.

Data acquisition and processing

Since the land register and cadastre were created, the address has been used as additional information (making it visible) and as a search criterion for the property. The Federal Statistics Austria (STAT) has kept addresses as spatial building references since the building register was introduced. As part of the 2001 large-scale census, the inventory of the cadastre and the building register were compared (street and address comparison), evaluated with the municipalities and merged centrally. This was the basis for addresses at address and building level, which was geocoded with the digital cadastral map and provided with a uniform key, the address code and the address number.

Initial filling

Coordinate determination using DKM

  • If a building was mapped to an address in the DKM, the construction area insertion point was adopted as the reference point for the address and the building (s)
  • If several buildings were mapped to one address in the DKM, any construction area insertion point (= reference point of the building) was adopted as the reference point of the address
  • If no building was mapped to an address in the DKM, the insertion point of the property number was used as the reference point for the address and the building (s)

Determination of coordinates using a substitute method

Some municipalities in Austria carried out a combined alternative procedure (cadastral map with nature surveys) to determine the reference points of addresses and buildings.

Ongoing leadership

The reference points of the addresses and buildings are set manually by the municipalities in the course of creating or managing the address with the help of the DKM. The type of acquisition can be seen in the address register.


The ongoing authentic tour takes place by means of Adress-GWR-online (common reporting line for the address register and the building and apartment register) through the Austrian cities and municipalities, which, as the body responsible for the content, assign or delete addresses and assign them to one or more properties assign. The postcode areas are taken over into the database of the address register on a quarterly basis.

Suitability / use

The address data can be used for conventional addressing, but also for all applications in which factual data is to be combined with official addresses or spatial relationships must be established, such as:

  • Market research
  • Geomarketing
  • Target group analysis
  • Optimization of sales management
  • Location planning
  • Route planning
  • Planning of promotional and advertising campaigns
  • Coordination of fleet services and routes
  • Address validation

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