Child-oriented family therapy

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The child-oriented family therapy (KOF) distinguishes itself clearly from the methods and approaches for inclusion of children in the "traditional" family therapy , and rather provides its own approach, incl. A particular approach and theoretical foundation. As in child therapy is the game as Form of expression used. It is understood as a mirror of real internal and external relationships. Analogous to systemic therapy , the focus of observation and change is directed to the interaction between the individuals and the context.


Child-oriented family therapy was developed in the 1980s by the Norwegian psychologist and child therapist Martin Soltvedt .

Soltvedt experimented with the child therapeutic setting and over time developed his own approach to working with children. This is characterized by wanting to understand problems and their solutions from the child's point of view, i. H. usually also conveyed through the game instead of the language. The game tries to change the behavior of the child and his parents, i.e. also their interaction, or to try out changes there. In this way, the child can express himself on his usual communication channel, the game, as it has been used in child therapy since its inception.


Soltvedt has developed an ideal process. (Reiners, 2013)

  1. Preliminary talk with the parents
  2. First play sequence only therapist and child (approx. 15 min) (Compared to "classic" play therapy, the therapist is much more active.)
  3. Evaluation of this sequence on the basis of the video recording with the parents. If the contact is sufficiently successful, continue with step four, otherwise steps two and three are repeated.
  4. First family game sequence with the therapist
  5. Evaluation of this sequence based on the video recording with the parents
  6. Repeat from steps four to five until the contact works well at play level - and this success can be transferred to everyday life.

Web links

  • Bernd Reiners: Child-oriented family therapy - a new method from Scandinavia for better integration of younger children in family therapy . In: context . tape 37 , no. 4 , 2006, p. 349–359 ( online [PDF; accessed November 10, 2016]).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Bernd Reiners : Child-oriented family therapy . 2013th edition. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , Göttingen 2016, ISBN 978-3-525-46268-3 .
  2. Axline, V .: Children's play therapy in a non-directive method . Ed .: Reinhard. 9th edition. Munich.