Tipping point (asynchronous machine)

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Points K1 and K2 mark the breakdown moments of an asynchronous motor

The tipping point is the point on the torque-speed characteristic of an asynchronous machine (ASM) at which it develops its maximum torque, the breakdown torque . It is also the highest point on the torque / speed characteristic. If the asynchronous machine is subjected to a greater motor or generator load than the breakdown torque during operation, it stops or spins: it "tips over". The tipping point is in the machine's overload range and should therefore only be reached for a short time. In the overload range, the machine heats up excessively.

It will be in 50 Hz operation , which means that the following formulas can be assumed for the data of the breakdown point : The breakdown torque depends on the square of the ratio of stator voltage to stator voltage frequency. A higher stator current flows into the ASM when there is a high voltage and a low frequency. The level of the stator current determines the level of the rotor current. The torque is proportional to the product of the two.

Overturning moment

The breakdown torque is the maximum torque available for a short time .

Overturning slip

The perpendicular from the tipping point to the speed axis marks the tipping slip .

Kloß formula

The Kloß formula is an approximation equation for asynchronous machines to determine the torque as a function of the speed or the slip.

Explanation of the individual symbols

Equivalent circuit diagram of an asynchronous machine
variable meaning
Asynchronous machine slip
Tilting slip of the asynchronous machine
Moment of the asynchronous machine
Breakdown moment of the asynchronous machine
Stator resistance of the asynchronous machine
Stator reactance of the asynchronous machine
related rotor resistance of the asynchronous machine
related rotor impedance of the asynchronous machine
Main reactance of the asynchronous machine
Scatter factor of the asynchronous machine:
Number of strands, for the asynchronous machine 3
Phase voltage of the asynchronous machine
Speed ​​of the asynchronous machine with vanishing moment of resistance in