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The Kirineri are a South American ethnic group or an isolated people of the Arawak in the rainforest area of southeastern Peru .

The settlement area of ​​the Kirineri is somewhere on the upper reaches of the Rio Paquiria, a tributary of the Urubamba in the reserve for peoples with voluntary isolation or initial contacts Kugapakori, Nahua, Nanti y Otros .

According to the few reports available, their language is reminiscent of the Machiguenga . Their physical appearance, however, is described completely differently than that of typical rainforest Indians: They are tall and bearded.

Individual evidence

  1. Merle Amelung, Claudia Uzcátegui, Niels Oliver Walkowski u. Markus Zander (Ed.): Indiegegenwart - Indigenous realities in the South American lowlands. Gebr. Mann, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-7861-2575-4 . P. 55.
  2. ^ Distribution and Population of Nanti Groups and other Little-Contacted and Uncontacted Groups in the Camisea Region . In: (Cabeceras Aid Project), accessed September 13, 2015.