Monasteries in Ohrdruf

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Monasteries and monasteries existed in Ohrdruf in Thuringia from the 8th to the 21st century.

Monasteries and pens

Benedictine monastery 725 - around 775/1077

The missionary Bonifatius is said to have founded the first monastery in Thuringia in Ohrdruf around 725 . This was to the left of the ear at the later Michaeliskirche . Before 775 it was subordinated as a cell ( cellula ) to the monastery of Hersfeld by Bishop Lullus .

Canon Monastery of St. Peter 980–1344

In 777 Lullus is said to have founded a St. Peter's Chapel, at which a collegiate monastery was established in 980. A canon of the monastery was first mentioned in 1137. The rule of Augustinian Canons may have been adopted at a later date. In 1344 the monastery was moved to Gotha .

Carmelite Monastery 1463–1523

In 1463 Carmelite monks moved into the empty monastery buildings at Ehrenstein Castle. In 1523 this monastery was closed again.

Carmelite Monastery 1991-2007

In 1991 the Carmelites again founded a congregation at the Catholic parish church of St. Peter. In 2007 this branch was closed.


  • Friedrich Krügelstein: News from the city of Ohrdruf and its immediate vicinity 724–1631 . Rockstuhl Verlag, Bad Langensalza 1844. Reprint 2003. ISBN 978-3-934748-09-5 . ( Digitized version ).

Web links


  1. cf. Enno Bünz , Stefan Zebruck, Helmut G. Walther (ed.): Religious movements in the Middle Ages. Festschrift for Matthias Werner on the occasion of his 65th birthday ( publications of the Historical Commission for Thuringia. Kleine Reihe 24, publication series of the Friedrich Christian Lesser Foundation, vol. 19). Böhlau Cologne u. a. 2007, ISBN 978-3-412-20060-2 . P. 116f.
  2. For the history of the monastery with documents and all mentioned canons see Friedrich Krügelstein: Nachrichten von der Stadt Ohrdruf and its immediate surroundings 724–1631 . Rockstuhl Verlag, Bad Langensalza 1844. ISBN 978-3-934748-09-5 . Pp. 31-41
  3. Krügelstein, Nachrichten , pp. 195–202
  4. ^ Inventory in Krügelstein, Nachrichten , pp. 242–244
  5. On the Carmelite monastery see also Edeltraud Kluering: Ohrdruf. In: Edeltraut Klueting, Stephan Panzer, Andreas H. Scholten (Ed.): Monasticon Carmelitanum. Monasteries of the Carmelite Order (O.Carm.) In Germany from the beginning to the present. Aschendorff Verlag, Münster 2012, ISBN 978-3-402-12954-8 . Pp. 585-587.