Lexicon of the Middle Ages
The Lexicon of the Middle Ages ( LMA , LexMA , etc.) is a German-language reference work on the history and culture of the Middle Ages in nine volumes and a register volume. It was created by an international team of authors, edited by Robert-Henri Bautier with Gloria Avella-Widhalm and Robert Auty, and contains over 36,000 articles. The period covered extends from late antiquity to the beginning of modern times around the year 1500, whereby Byzantium and the Arab world are also taken into account.
It is generally considered to be indispensable in medieval studies , although the research status of the first volumes is partially outdated. The work is mostly cited as LexMA (or LMA ) with indication of the columns (Sp.).
The partial deliveries of the bound original edition have been published since 1977. Volumes 1 (1980) to 6 (1993) were published by Artemis and Artemis - & - Winkler publishers in Munich and Zurich, and volumes 7 (1995) to 9 (1998) in LexMA Munich publishing house. A register volume was published in 1999 in Lachen on Lake Zurich.
The lexicon is also available as a study edition from Metzler-Verlag Stuttgart / Weimar 1999 ( ISBN 3-476-01742-7 , license from Coron-Verlag Schoeller, Lachen am See), and in 2002 as a paperback edition from dtv ( ISBN 3-423-59057- 2 ) appeared. In the subsequent editions, the ninth volume and the register volume were combined into one volume. Digital editions were published in 2000 as CD-ROM by Metzler and as an online version by BREPOLiS, the online service from Brepols .
- Lexicon of the Middle Ages. 10 volumes. Artemis, Munich / Zurich (Volume 8 and 9, 1997–1998, only Munich, Volume 10 Lachen am Zürichsee) (1977) 1980–1999; Shortened reprint (in 9 volumes) Lachen am Zürichsee / Stuttgart / Weimar 1999 and more often.
- Rudolf Schieffer : The whole Middle Ages from A to Z. In: German Archive for Research into the Middle Ages 60 (2004) pp. 571-580 ( online pdf ).
Web links
- Christian Heitzmann: Review , in: Informationsmittel für Libraries (IFB), Volume 7 (1999), pp. 1–4.
- Dedo-Alexander Müller: Review of the CD-ROM edition on H-Soz-Kult