Knocks (Regensburg forest meadows)

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Knocks is the name for the smaller and larger rocks or rock groups found in the area around Brennberg and Altenthann . They are located in the area of ​​the Regensburg forest and are pillow-shaped or sack-shaped and made of granite. The stones were formed over a long period of time by wind and weather. As a result, layers were removed and the stones split at fissures. This effect, known as wool sack weathering , left the harder layers of rock. Small stones were collected from the areas and piled up to form "boxes". Some were taken away or blown up as part of land consolidations.

If they are free-standing and not overgrown by wood, these rocks form small ecosystems. 32 mosses and 54 species of lichen were found on the stones, 18 of which are on the red list as they are threatened with extinction. There are also many protected and endangered species in the animal sector. These special ecosystems are endangered by fertilizers and / or pesticides, as lichens and mosses depend on poor subsoil. Coverings with leaves and needles also damage the lichens and mosses. The damage is often difficult to detect, as the rare species are replaced by less demanding ones

Often these rocks have their own names and play a role in local mysticism. Some of the rocks have been worked on so that it can be assumed that they served cultic purposes. The sacrificial stones near Süssenbach and in Heiligenholz near Bruckbach are protected as geotopes .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b The Knocks of the Regensburger Vorwaldwiesen Landschaftspflegeverband Regensburg eV