Eric D'Hoker

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Eric D'Hoker (born October 18, 1956 in Belgium ) is a Belgian-American theoretical physicist.

D'Hoker studied from 1974 at the University of Paris XIII in Orsay, 1975/76 at the Lycée Condorcet and from 1976 to 1978 at the École Polytechnique . In 1978 he went to Princeton University , where he received his doctorate in 1981. As a post-doctoral student , he was at the Center for Theoretical Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology until 1984 . In 1984 he became an assistant professor at Columbia University , in 1986 an assistant professor at Princeton University and in 1988 an associate professor at the University of California, Los Angeles , with a full professorship from 1990. He became a Distinguished Professor there in 2009.

He dealt with Duong H. Phong in the 1980s with the geometry behind superstring perturbation theory as well as other topics related to superstrings and their mathematics. Another topic of his research are integrable systems.

In 1997 he was at the Institute for Advanced Study . He was also visiting scholar at the University of California, Santa Barbara, in Kyoto and at CERN . In 2005 he became a Fellow of the American Physical Society .

In 2004 he became a US citizen.

Fonts (selection)

  • with Phong: Multiloop amplitudes for the bosonic Polyakov string, Nucl. Phys. B, Vol. 269, 1986, pp. 205-234
  • with Phong: Loop amplitudes for the fermionic string, Nucl. Phys. B, Vol. 278, 1986, pp. 225-241
  • with Phong: On determinants of Laplacians on Riemann surfaces, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 104, 1986, pp. 537-545
  • with Phong: The geometry of string perturbation theory, Reviews of Modern Physics, Volume 60, 1988, p. 917
  • with Phong: Seiberg-Witten theory and integrable systems, lectures Edinburgh, Kyoto, Arxiv 1999
  • with Phong: Lectures on supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and integrable systems, in: D'Hoker, Phong, Yvan Saint-Aubin, Luc Vinet (eds.): Theoretical physics at the end of the twentieth century, CRM Summer School, Banff, Springer 2002, pp. 1–125
  • with Phong: Two-loop superstrings .: I. Main formulas, Phys. Lett. B, Vol. 529, 2002, pp. 241-255
  • with Phong: Lectures on two loop superstrings, Hangzhou, Peking 2002, Arxiv

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