Communicative social research

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Communicative social research refers to a methodology of empirical social research that focuses on the view that social realities are constituted communicatively and that their research should therefore be carried out using communicative methods.

The concept of communicative social research was introduced in the 1970s by the Bielefeld sociologists' group (Joachim Matthes, Werner Meinefeld, Fritz Schütze , Werner Springer, Ansgar Weymann and Ralf Bohnsack). The term should make it clear that the participation in communication processes, their observation and analysis was understood as a common structural element of their methods and the research process should be designed accordingly communicative. Communicative means a conversation with appropriate feedback options and self-reflective phases. Communicative social research thus contradicts the claim of traditional social research to allow only distant observation to be the medium for gaining knowledge. Theoretically, the Bielefeld sociologists oriented themselves towards symbolic interactionism , the sociology of knowledge and ethnomethodology . From these approaches they also adopted the methodological tools consisting of participatory observation , crisis experiment , method of documentary interpretation and analysis of natural communication situations. They did not develop their own methods.

Since then, a number of methods have been developed that emphasize the communicative character of social research and attempt to use it in individual phases of the research process (e.g. dialogical research methods, communicative validation). In the meantime there are also approaches with which all phases of the research process - from the constitution of research systems to data collection, documentation and evaluation, feedback of the results to their presentation - can be designed communicatively ( Giesecke / Rappe-Giesecke).


  • Bielefeld Sociologists' Working Group (Ed.): Everyday knowledge, interaction and social reality , Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt 1973 (2 vols.), ISBN 3-531-22054-3
  • Bielefeld sociologists working group (ed.): Communicative social research. Everyday knowledge and action, community power research, police, political adult education , Munich: Fink 1976, ISBN 3-7705-1375-4
  • Fritz Schütze, Ralf Bohnsack, Werner Meinefeld: Theoretical and methodological basics of communicative social research , in communicative social research. Everyday knowledge and action, community power research, police, political adult education, Munich: Fink 1976, urn : nbn: de: 0168-ssoar-53413
  • Fritz Schütze: To elicit and analyze narratives of thematically relevant stories in the context of sociological field research , in communicative social research. Everyday knowledge and everyday action, community power research, police, political adult education, Munich: Fink 1976, urn : nbn: de: 0168-ssoar-56350
  • Michael Giesecke, Kornelia Rappe-Giesecke : Supervision as a medium of communicative social research. On the integration of self-observation and distanced observation in consulting and science , Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1997, ISBN 3-518-28705-2
  • Sebastian Ziegaus: The communicative social research in research literature since 1973. Development, reflection and importance of a fundamental principle of social research , in: Journal for qualitative education, counseling and social research, issue 2/2006, pp. 294-312, ISSN  1438- 8324
  • Sebastian Ziegaus: The dependence of the social sciences on their media. Basics of a communicative social research , Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2009, ISBN 978-3-8376-1318-6

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