Competency list

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A competency list is a list of competencies to be acquired in the course of a learning process, which is structured according to development logic .

The competency list is an evaluation instrument and an instrument for self-control of the learning process by the learner. It is therefore also an optimal instrument for individual support.

Competency lists can be used in all subjects.

The competency list differs structurally and conceptually from the competency grid .


The competencies in the "I can ..." formulation form the basis of the list of competencies. Each of the competencies is designed in as small a step as possible, i.e. includes an increase in learning that can be achieved by the learner in a reasonable amount of time.

The competencies of a competency list are arranged in the form of a list according to developmental logic. In addition to lists of competencies for school subjects (German, foreign language, mathematics, specialist knowledge, art, music and sport), there are also lists of competencies for social learning , learning behavior, work behavior and independence. The competencies for learning behavior replace the numerous level competency formulations that are listed in the table structure of the competency grid for each individual competency.


Competences achieved are documented by the teacher with a sticker in the competency list. This is a clear orientation for the learner at which point in the learning process he is currently. He sees which competencies he has already achieved and which competencies he can learn next. The list of competencies enables the learner to self-assess his or her learning process as well as the self-effective planning of the following learning steps and focuses.

Individual evidence

  2. ^ KMK: educational standards of the Standing Conference. In: KMK, 2005, accessed April 2, 2018 .
  4. Valerie Wildenmann & Philippe Zwick Eby: "CHECK! LEARN, DESIGN AND MOVE" . 1st edition. Raup & Ritter Verlag, Mannheim 2014, p. 76 .