Competence Network for Bowel Diseases

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The Competence Network for Intestinal Diseases is a network of scientists, resident doctors, specialist clinics, university institutes, representatives of self-help and business that deals with the two most common chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis . The focus is on making the knowledge about the diseases better known, on shortening the path from research findings to the patient and on optimizing the patient's care situation.


  • Training courses for staff in the field of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Training courses for doctors in the field of IBD
  • A study platform, the German IBD Study Group (GISG) with about 127 centers in the field of CED
  • Promotion of health services research
  • Organization of the Crohn & Colitis Day together with the DCCV eV

Organization and history

The association is represented by a board. The organization of all activities is taken over by the office based in Kiel. A scientific advisory board is affiliated with the association, which provides strategic advice and operational support. The Competence Network for Bowel Diseases was founded in 1999 on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research ( BMBF ) and funded for a total of eleven years. From 2004 onwards, the BMBF contributed with its funding to set up an association and to stabilize the competence network in this association. CED Service GmbH was founded in 2007 by the “Kompetenznetz CED eV” association to implement the tasks.

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