Complex-hyperbolic ideal triangle group

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Complex ideal triangle groups are reflection groups to the ideal triangles of the complex hyperbolic geometry. The Goldman-Parker conjecture , proven by Richard Evan Schwartz , describes the discrete complex-hyperbolic groups of triangles.


The ideal edge of the complex hyperbolic plane is the 3-dimensional unit sphere . An ideal triangle is a triangle with corners in the ideal edge. A complex ideal triangle group is the group created by the reflections on the sides of an ideal triangle. The products of two producers are each parabolic isometrics .

Parameterization of the complex ideal triangle groups

The reflection groups belonging to isometric ideal triangles are conjugated in . Every ideal triangle can be mapped to a triangle of form using a suitable isometric drawing

bring where

for one is. (Because of this , the three points are on top.) The ideal triangles and, accordingly, also the ideal groups of triangles, are parameterized by the non-negative real number .

Goldman-Parker conjecture

The Goldman-Parker conjecture, proven by Richard Schwartz, states that an ideal triangle group is a discrete subgroup of the isometric group if and only if the inequality for the parameter described above



  • W. Goldman , J. Parker : Complex hyperbolic ideal triangle groups , J. Reine Angew. Math. 425, 71-86 (1992)
  • Richard Schwartz: Ideal triangle groups, dented tori and numerical analysis , Ann. Math. 153, 533-598 (2001)
  • Richard Schwartz: A better proof of the Goldman-Parker conjecture , Geom. Top. 9, 1539-1601 (2005)