Brazzaville Conference

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At the Brazzaville Conference from January 30 to February 8, 1944, representatives of Free France met with high colonial officials from the African colonies of France during World War II . In addition to Charles de Gaulle and René Pleven , the colonial minister of the National Liberation Committee , 20 governors took part. The conference venue was the city of Brazzaville , capital of French Equatorial Africa and, from October 26, 1940, for a short time also the capital of Free France.

Charles de Gaulle recognized at the conference the need for political, social and economic reforms in the French-ruled part of Africa and promised a fundamental reorganization of the relations between the “mother country” and its colonies. This reorganization did not include the independence of the colonies, but the transformation of the colonial relationship into a " French Union ". The background to the conference was de Gaulle's attempt to involve the African colonies more closely in the struggle for the liberation of France .

In the years that followed, advocates of greater autonomy for the French colonies in Africa referred to the “ Declaration of Brazzaville ” written there.

This declaration contained the following points:

  • France and the areas it ruled should remain united in the future.
  • Semi-autonomous assemblies should be established in each colony.
  • The citizens of the French colonies were to be given the right to send representatives to the Constituent Assembly to be set up after the war.
  • The citizens of the French colonies should have the right to send representatives to the French parliament.
  • The public service should be opened to the indigenous people of the colonies.
  • Forced labor should be abolished.
  • Economic reforms were intended to reduce the exploitative nature of relations between France and its colonies.


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