Connotation system

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Connotation system (cf. connotation ) is called a system in semantics , which takes over the signs of another system. If one system and its signs become a signifier of another system, the second system becomes a connotation system. The term connotation system is used to describe the structure of semantic messages - for example in an advertising image - and their relationships to one another. If the literal message ( unencoded iconic message) appears here as the bearer of the symbolic message (encoded iconic message), this is a connotation system.


  • Roland Barthes : The rhetoric of the image. In: Roland Barthes: The oncoming and the dull sense. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt / M. 1990, [in the original: Rhétorique de l'image ]
  • Roland Barthes: The language of fashion. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt / M. 1985


  1. Roland Barthes: Rhetoric of the picture. See literature.