Council of Youth

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The Council of Youth took place in the 1970s and was a multi-year event sponsored by the Communauté de Taizé , which encouraged a rethinking of ways of life and behavior with the aim of a better life without oppression and without capitalism for all of humanity as well as rebuilding and had the unity of the churches in poverty through the commitment of their members (young people) as an objective. Jesus Christ should be the center of this development . In 1979 the council became the pilgrimage of trust .

The idea for the council arose as a result of the May riots in 1968 and the resulting willingness of young people to get involved in society. Preparations for the Council of Youth began at Easter 1970 with the "Happy News" written by an intercontinental team, a four-sentence text that outlines the basic questions and themes of the Council. In the following four years, weekly meetings in Taizé (which already had very strong similarities with today's weekly meetings), observations and engagement in the home communities and the globalization of the mindset through contacts with young people from other countries and other parts of the world through visits and letters a basic awareness of the actual council. The council of youth and its preparation should not be a centrally controlled movement, but a whole consisting of many individual commitments.

On August 30, 1974, the actual Council of Youth in Taizé was opened by Brother Roger with 40,000 young people . Two letters formed the essential basis for further work; on the one hand the “Letter to the People of God” drawn up by an intercontinental team, and on the other hand the letter “Departure into the Unimagined” written by Brother Roger. Elements of the following time should now be the individual implementation of sharing and praying in one's own everyday life (“fight and contemplation”) as well as solidarity through visits to other countries and continents, for example. A second major waypoint of the council was the “Second Letter to the People of God”, written in December 1976 after a meeting in Calcutta.