Koreans in France

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The Koreans in France are people from Korea who live in France . It is a group of the Korean diaspora .


The first Korean migrants came to France in 1919 when the French government issued guest worker visas to 35 Koreans. In 1988 it was down to 3,318, but following a policy of opening up South Korea , the Korean community in France grew rapidly. In 2000 there were 10,265 Koreans living in France. Most of them are students and have only lived in France for a few years.

A small minority of them are North Korean refugees , most Koreans in France are from South Korea.

Famous people

Individual evidence

  1. KF Newsletter -The Korea Foundation-. Retrieved October 28, 2017 .
  2. Lee-Le Neindre, Bouriane: L'interculturel entre l'Orient et l'Occident - les particularités et les difficultés à travers les cas des résidents coréens en France. September 2001, accessed October 28, 2017 (French).