Crutch failure

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The Krückenfeh is a special form of furry Feh in heraldry . It's a tincture .

A figure made up of several wide crutches (wide letter T), which are spaced apart within a row , is shown in the heraldic shield or field . The free areas in each row inevitably result in an inverted crutch (wide T) in a different tincture. The pattern is repeated in the next row. A maximum of two tinctures are used in the row. The tinctures blue and white are primarily used, as they are understood as a variety of the Eisenhütlein. With the fallen Krückenfeh the direction of the colored T is directed towards the head of the shield .

This malform has a larger number of deviations. Thus Sturzkrückenfeh , Wechselkrückenfeh , Krückenpfahlfeh and shifted Krückenfeh Another common tinctures.

