Power planter

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In Germany, power planter is the job description of a skilled worker in a power plant with an IHK examination. The advanced training takes about 2.5 years full-time.


The exam is divided into the written part of the power plant technology exam and a situation-related technical discussion, the part of the power plant operation exam.

  • The prerequisite for admission to the power plant technology part of the examination is a degree in a recognized training occupation that can be assigned to the metal or electrical professions, as well as at least 2 years of professional experience in driving a power plant.
  • For the examination in the subsequent part of the examination power plant operation, at least one additional year of professional experience in the operation of a power plant is required.
  • There are special access regulations for heat assistants, machinists in the German or merchant navy, machinists for thermal power plants and people with six years of professional experience in driving a power plant.

Scope of training

  • Power plant engineering and natural science basics
  • Steam generation, piping and fittings
  • Turbines, auxiliary and auxiliary systems
  • Electrical systems and control technology
  • Construction and operation under economic and ecological considerations and environmental protection technology

Personal requirements

  • reliability
  • Willingness to be on call
  • Resilience

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