Skilled workers

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A skilled worker in the economy was a worker who had successfully completed technical or commercial vocational training or who had acquired the necessary knowledge and skills through relevant professional experience. Today he is called skilled worker .


This professional qualification distinguishes him from the unskilled worker . People with commercial training or with a university degree are less often referred to as skilled workers.

In the German Democratic Republic there were a large number of state-recognized training occupations with the job title of skilled worker , for example skilled worker for production equipment or skilled worker for communications technology . The term skilled worker no longer occurs in today's training occupations in Germany; instead, the term skilled worker is used, for example for warehouse logistics specialists or event technology specialists .

Up until the turn of the millennium, trainees in technical and commercial professions received a skilled worker certificate as a final certificate after passing their final exams. The term “ skilled worker certificate” is no longer part of today's IHK test certificates .


See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Skilled workers  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual proof

  1. Skilled trades in the GDR (as of 1990)