Loyalty Cross for Transmontana

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The Cross of Loyalty to Transmontana was a Portuguese award.

She was by King John VI. donated. Foundation day was July 24, 1823.

The order decoration was a cross for officers and showed on one side the picture of the founder and on the other the year 1823 and the saying: "Heroice Fidelidate Transmontana". The ribbon was white and green.

Those to be honored came from the army corps of the Count of Amaranth, the later Lieutenant General Marquis of Chaves, who was in Lisbon when the constitutional Cortes were abolished.

For others to be honored there was the decoration if they had followed the king to Villa Franca in the period from May 30th to June 5th, or after Don Miguel to Santarem. This order decoration showed on one side the bust of the king and on the other the inscription: "Fidelidade ao rey e patria" (loyalty to the king and fatherland). The ribbon was green, red and white.


  • Ferdinand von Biedenfeld, history and constitution of all spiritual and secular, extinct and flourishing knight orders ..., Volume 2, Verlag Bernhard Friedrich Voigt, Weimar 1841, p. 315
  • Gustav Adolph Ackermann, Order book of all orders and decorations that have flourished and died in Europe, Rudolph and Dieterici, Annaberg 1855, p. 168