Crown property
In the Middle Ages and early modern times, those areas of a kingdom that were in the direct possession of the monarch, administered by the royal chamber (in modern times) or by the king's unfree (in the Middle Ages) were referred to as crown property , crown domain, crown land or royal property and were not given as fiefs to vassals . They originally served to finance all royal needs, be it the expenses for the court or the expenses for the military. The king's power of disposal over the crown property could be restricted by law, so in some countries the sale of crown land was not permitted without further ado. B. practiced by pledging.
In some countries a distinction must be made between house goods and crown goods . The latter belonged to the king or his family more or less privately. He could sell them freely and he inherited them according to the generally applicable law of inheritance in his family, even if the family no longer provided the ruler (for example in an elective monarchy ). The distinction and separation of crown property and household property repeatedly led to disputes, especially when changing between ruling families.
United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, the Crown Estate is the crown estate owned by the British Crown. Like the crown jewels, it belongs to the monarch in his capacity as head of state, but is not his private property and cannot be sold through him.
Crown land ( English crown land ) in Canada refers to areas of land that are not privately owned, but are subordinate to the state. Formally, they belong to the crown, represented by the respective monarch of Canada (currently Elizabeth II) and administered by the respective government.
See also
- Friedrich Ranzi : Königsgut and Königsforst in the age of the Carolingians and Ludolfingers and their importance for the development of the country. A contribution to the history of the development of the entire German living space. With 2 cards . Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History. German Department. Vol. 60 (1940), No. 1, pp. 358-361. Abstract (page not available)