Cuckoo hashing

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Kuckucks hashing ( English cuckoo hashing ) is an algorithm , by means of two hash functions to index into a table computed at which the member is to be inserted. It was developed in 2001 by Rasmus Pagh and Flemming Friche Rodler. It gets its name from the cuckoo , which lays its eggs in strange nests and whose chicks push the eggs of the host parents out of the nest.


Each of the two hash functions calculates the index of an element to be inserted for a table. First it is checked whether the element to be inserted can be inserted into the table at the point with the hash function . If this is the case, the element is inserted there. However, if the space is already occupied, the space in the second table is calculated with the second hash function and, if it is free, inserted there. However, if the space is also occupied, the element to be inserted is inserted into the first table and the element that was there before is moved to the second table. If a collision occurs there again, the element is moved from there to the first table. If the space in the first table is free, the insertion is finished. If, however, an element occupies the space again here, it is moved back to the second table. This procedure is repeated until a free space is found. However, it can happen that the same table constellation occurs as at the beginning, so that the process then gets into a cycle (endless loop). In this case, the table is rebuilt with new hash functions.


    // key[x] schon in Hashtabelle?
    if T1[h1(key[x])]=NIL or key[T1[h1(key[x])]]=key[x] then
        T1[h1(key[x])]x; return
    if T2[h2(key[x])]=NIL or key[T2[h2(key[x])]]=key[x] then
        T2[h2(key[x])] x; return
    // nein, dann einfügen
    while true do
        xT1[h1(key[x])] // tausche x mit Pos. in T1
        if x=NIL then return
        xT2[h2(key[x])] // tausche x mit Pos. in T2
        if x=NIL then return


The following hash functions are given:

k h (k) h '(k)
20th 9 1
50 6th 4th
53 9 4th
75 9 6th
100 1 9
67 1 6th
105 6th 9
3 3 0
36 3 3
39 6th 3
1. Table for h (k)
20th 50 53 75 100 67 105 3 36 39
1 100 67 67 67 67 100
3 3 3 36
6th 50 50 50 50 50 105 105 105 50
9 20th 20th 20th 20th 20th 20th 53 53 53 75
2. Table for h '(k)
20th 50 53 75 100 67 105 3 36 39
0 3
1 20th 20th 20th 20th
3 36 39
4th 53 53 53 53 50 50 50 53
6th 75 75 75 75 75 75 67
9 100 100 100 100 105


If you want to insert element 6, you get into a cycle. The last line of the table shows the same initial situation as at the beginning.

considered key Table 1 Table 2
old value new value old value new value
6th 50 6th 53 50
53 75 53 67 75
67 100 67 105 100
105 6th 105 3 6th
3 36 3 39 36
39 105 39 100 105
100 67 100 75 67
75 53 75 50 53
50 39 50 36 39
36 3 36 6th 3
6th 50 6th 53 50

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rasmus Pagh, Flemming Friche Rodler: Cuckoo Hashing . 2001 ( (PDF)).