Kurt Fiala

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Kurt Fiala (born July 6, 1929 in Vienna , † November 10, 1969 in Vienna) was an Austrian painter and representative of the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism . Kurt Fiala was born on July 6, 1929 in Vienna, where he also grew up. Little is known about his youth. As an artist he came into the circle of the founding father of the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism , Albert Paris Gütersloh , who actually referred to the movement as a Phantasmagoriker . His well-known works all date to the period after 1950. They exclusively show surreal themes. He belongs to the later group of fantastic realists with representatives such as Kurt Regschek , Franz Luby , or the young Leherb . His works have been shown in a number of themed exhibitions in Vienna, Bregenz, Paris and Berlin. He died in Vienna in 1969.

Web links


  • Lexicon of Fantastic Artists, Gerhard Habarta, 1.100 biographies, Vienna (2009)
  • Viennese School of Fantastic Realism, Johann Muschik, Vienna (1963)

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.lexikon-surreal.com/k%C3%BCnstler-l%C3%A4nder/
  2. http://www.artnet.de/artist/666759/kurt-fiala.html