Kuwait Trade Union Federation

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Kuwait Trade Union Federation
الاتحاد العام لعمال الكويت
Establishment date: 1968
Number of members: 60,000
Seat : Kuwait City , Kuwait
Website: www.ktuf.org

The Kuwait Trade Union Federation ( German : Union Federation of Kuwait ; Arabic الاتحاد العام لعمال الكويت, DMG al-ittiḥād al-ʿāmm li-ʿummāl al-Kuwait ) is the only national union in central Kuwait .


The union was founded in 1968 . The highest regulatory body in the General Workers Union of Kuwait is the General Conference, which takes place every two years. It is made up of 90 union delegates and fifteen government representatives.

The Presidium consists of the following members: President, Vice-President and Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, Secretary of Foreign Relations and a Secretary of Internal Relations. There is a commission on working women.


President of the General Workers Union of Kuwait

  • Sakr Hussein Abdel-Latif 1967–1974
  • Mohammed Fahad Awaida 1974–1975
  • Nasser Al-Faraj 1975-1979
  • Hassan Hussein 1979-1980
  • Mohamed Abdel-Mohsen Al-Osaimi 1980-1984
  • Nasser Mubarak Faraj 1984-1986
  • Rashid Al Falah Hejailan 1986-1989
  • Mileihan Ramadan 1989–1990
  • Hayef Essam Al-Ajmi 1990-1992
  • Abdullah Abdul Salam al-Bakr 1992-1994
  • Ibrahim Haroun 1994-2004
  • Salem Ajmi Schabib 2004-2006
  • Khalid Ghabeichan 2006-2010
  • Salem Ajmi Schabib 2010 until now

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ICTUR (ed.): Trade Unions of the World , 6th. Edition, John Harper Publishing, London UK 2005, ISBN 0-9543811-5-7 .