Kuwalanaziti (head shepherd)

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Kuwalanaziti was a Hittite military leader with the title "Chief Shepherd" (GAL NA.GAD) under King Šuppiluliuma I. After an episode in the Hittite text "Deeds of Šuppiluliuma", Kuwalanaziti and Urananni were commissioned to subdue the land of Kašula. After successful completion, they took thousands of prisoners, cattle and sheep to the Hittite capital Ḫattuša .

Probably Kuwalanaziti was an ancestor of Prince Kuwalanaziti and father or grandfather of Šaḫurunuwa , who was sent as a messenger to the land of Mira under King Tudḫaliya IV .

Individual evidence

  1. Fiorella Imparati: Una concessione di terre da parte di Tudhaliya IV . RHA 32 (1974): 5-211. P. 48


  • Shai Gordin: Scribal Families of Hattuša in the 13th Century BCE . Tel Aviv Universiti 2008.
  • Remzi Tayfun Bilgin: Bureaucrazy and Bureaucratic Change in Hittite Administration . University of Michigan 2015 ( PDF , 2.7 MB, accessed January 13, 2020)