La Scie

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La Scie
La Scie 1.1872, No. 3 title.jpg
description french satirical magazine
language French
First edition June 23, 1872
attitude March 23, 1873
Editor-in-chief Georges Carl
editor César Mermet
Web link

La Scie (Eng .: The Saw) was a satirical magazine that appeared in Paris. The publisher was Caesar Mermet . Editor-in-chief was initially George Carl and later Ed Dangin .

The texts and contents of the magazine were often directed against the pretenders to the throne . The front pages were mostly designed by Achille Lemot or Moloch .


  • Philippe Jones: La Presse satirique illustrée entre 1860 et 1890. In: Etudes de Presse. Nouvelle Series, Vol. VIII, N ° 14, 1956, pp. 4-113.
  • Claude Bellanger (ed.): Histoire générale de la presse française. Paris 1972

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Philippe Jones: La Presse satirique illustrée entre 1860 et 1890. p. 104.