Lacus Solitudinis

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Lacus Solitudinis
Lacus Solitudinis (Moon Equatorial Region)
Lacus Solitudinis
position 27.52 °  S , 103.88 °  O coordinates: 27 ° 31 '12 "  S , 103 ° 52' 48"  O
diameter 123 km
See also Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

Lacus Solitudinis - Latin for lake of loneliness - is a solidified lava lake on the moon , which is similar in origin to the larger Maria . The name was established by the International Astronomical Union in 1976.

The small, irregular sea surface has a mean diameter of 139 kilometers and is located on the southwestern edge of the back of the moon at the selenographic coordinates 27 ° 48 'south and 104 ° 18' east. The dark gray formation is still outside of the edge area that can be seen from the earth through the libration , between the craters Titius in the west and Scaliger in the east.

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