Land Use Policy

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Land Use Policy

description Interdisciplinary scientific journal
Area of ​​Expertise Environmental science
language English
First edition 1984
Editor-in-chief GM Robinson
editor Elsevier
Web link Website

Land Use Policy is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that has been published by Elsevier since 1984 . GM Robinson is the editor-in-chief .

She focuses on land use in interdisciplinary discourse and publishes articles on sociological, economic, political, legal, physical and planning aspects of land use. Topics from the disciplines of geography , agriculture , forestry , irrigation , environmental protection , settlement policy, urban development and transport are covered. The articles refer to industrialized as well as developing countries.

The impact factor in 2014 was 2.631, the five-year impact factor was 3.095. With this, the journal was ranked 10th out of a total of 100 scientific journals listed in the "Environmental studies" category for the Impact Factor.

Web links

Homepage of the magazine

Individual evidence

  1. Journal Citation Reports 2014. Retrieved July 15, 2015.