Clearance for landing

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The landing clearance (Engl. Landing-clearance ) is in aviation by the competent air traffic control center authorization granted, a landing with an aircraft to be allowed to perform.


At so-called controlled airfields , a landing clearance is required for landing, because here all movements that are related to taxiing, take-off or landing generally require clearance ( § 25 LuftVO).

At uncontrolled airfields, on the other hand, the pilot lands at his own discretion, clearance for landing is not required here (and also not available).


The landing clearance is given in the form

"[Identifier], wind [wind direction] [wind speed], runway [track name], cleared to land"
(e.g. "Delta-Echo-Tango-India-Victor, wind two-four-zero degrees, niner knots, runway two-four, cleared to land" )

or (German)

"[Identifier], wind [wind direction] [wind speed], runway [runway name], landing free"
(e.g. "Delta-Echo-Tango-India-Victor, wind two-four-zero degrees, nine knots, runway two-four, landing free" )


Avoiding the expression "to land" in other speaking groups

The landing clearance is the only speaking group in which the expression "to land" occurs. In other speaking groups the form “landing” is used to avoid confusion with the landing clearance - for example “Delta-Echo-Tango-India-Victor, report landing Boeing seven-tree-seven in sight” (German: “Delta-Echo-Tango -India-Victor, report landing Boeing seven-three-seven in sight ”).

See also

Individual evidence

  1. AIP VFR , GEN 3-19