State Soil Protection Act

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The country's soil protection laws of the German states govern together with the 1999 came into force the Federal Soil Protection Act and the Federal Soil Protection Ordinance , the West German (BBodSchV) soil protection law .


  • State Soil Protection Act of North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Hessian Contaminated Sites and Soil Protection Act (HAltBodSchG)
  • State Soil Protection Act Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Schleswig-Holstein: Act to implement and supplement the Federal Soil Protection Act (State Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Act - LBodSchG)

Individual evidence

  1. State Soil Protection Act North Rhine-Westphalia
  2. Hessian Contaminated Sites and Soil Protection Act (HAltBodSchG)
  3. State Soil Protection Act Rhineland-Palatinate